Dad Gold

Kid refusing to eat

Kid Refusing To Eat? Here Are 8 Dad Tips!

When your kid won’t eat, it is as frustrating as all hell. They need to eat, and it is clear they are hungry. Are they just testing us? Probably. Here are 8 tips for you, which I have learnt in various battles with getting my child to eat his food.

Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks

Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks – Stop Toddler Intrigue

Here are the best child proof cabinet locks to make sure your kitchen remains safe! Knives, Glue and Chemicals are dangerous. Flour, Sugar and Rice are annoying to tidy up. Beer and Food are to be consumed in by you. Secure all these things using child proof locks in your kitchen!

Airplane Travel With Toddler

Airplane Travel With Toddler – 7 Top Dad Tips

Having recently taken another long haul flight with a toddler, I wanted to share with you some Dad tips for Airplane travel with a toddler. From picking the right seats to making sure you have all their toys on hand ready to stop a huge meltdown. Here are 7 tips to make the plane journey easier!