Wondering What To Do With An Extremely Active Toddler?

Are you a concerned parent wondering how you can contain your incredibly active toddler? Does your toddler totally wipe out your energy EVERY DAY? Do you struggle to put your toddler to sleep because they are still totally wired? You must be wondering what to do with an extremely active toddler!

We know that handling a super-active toddler is a nightmare for most parents. Toddlers have tons of energy, so what can you do with an extremely active toddler?

Kids can be hyperactive all the time they are awake! But what causes it, and what can you do about it?

On the off chance that you have a hyperactive youngster, these are five reasons why they are battling to contain their squirming, running, and pretty much everything else!

Wondering What To Do With An Extremely Active Toddler

5 Reasons Why Your Toddler Is Extremely Active

1. Emotional Issues

Handling emotional issues can be tough, especially for toddlers. The changes in character relate to behavior disorders among toddlers. A child can be traumatized after facing a scary event.

Such an event can make it difficult for your toddler to concentrate.

Emotional extremes are common among toddlers (terrible twos, etc.). Conflicts between toddlers and parents are widespread too!

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Generally, kids develop inappropriate behavioral and emotional responses when situations become harder. Great parents know how they can inspire toddlers to go through the process with minimal challenges.

As a dad, it is important to learn different behavior management and communication techniques to keep your toddler under control.

2. Physical Health Issues

An overactive thyroid is among the physical health issues that can make your child hyperactive. It is worth considering that it is a health issue, even though it is very likely.

If you feel like you need to, then speak with a pediatrician.

3. Lack Of Exercise

Children need to exercise to remain active. In this life we lead, it is far easier to let your toddler sit down with a tablet for hours on end. I have done it in the past. I’ve changed now.

Children who do not get enough time to run around and play can be very hyperactive. Get your toddler outside. Take a ball to a local park. Get some exercise! You will both benefit…

Just be a good dad and let your children play and have fun.

4. Stress

Have you noticed a sudden change in your child’s character? Well, children are affected by different things, including stress.

Acts such as your child struggling to spend time with other toddlers can indicate that they are stressed. The stress can originate from relationships to financial issues in your family. Things that stress parents can also affect toddlers in various ways.

A stressed parent is more likely to have a stressed child.

Ensure his or her routine is predictable so that you can easily notice a behavior change. A child needs extra support and reassurance during stressful moments.

5. Dietary Problems

Certain foods can make your child hyperactive. While some experts attribute too much sugar to hyperactivity, others insist that the two do not correlate. Some researchers also argue that artificial colors and preservatives could cause an increase in the sensitivity of an individual.

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If you feel like the dietary issues affect your toddler’s behavior, you should change foods until you find out what it is.

5 Activities You Can Do With An Extremely Active Toddler

5 Activities You Can Do With An Extremely Active Toddler

Hyperactive toddlers need attention all the time. Us dads can create a daily routine that accommodates an extremely active child.

Here are some of the activities that dads can engage their extremely active toddlers in…

1. Singing

Music has endless benefits for toddlers. You can help your child unwind after school. Besides the body, singing also helps train the brain.

Through song, children will learn to improve their multi-tasking skills. Singing also assists children in learning the benefits of team players.

In fact, singing offers therapeutic effects to those with ADHD and other signs of being extremely active.

2. Drama/Acting

An extremely active child can make amazing actors and actresses. Engage your hyperactive child in acting to help them become more confident.

Theatre arts improve one’s memory as well as coordination. The activity improves toddler’s public speaking skills while at the same time, improves their coordination.

3. Mind Games

Mind games make children better thinkers. Extremely active children can play different mind games such as matching pairs, chess, and scrabble, to mention a few of them.

Your toddler will sit at a designated place to play the games, making it easier to handle them.

4. Swimming

Do you know that hyperactive children can benefit from swimming?

As it happens, swimming can help those toddlers who are over active.

Take your active child for swimming classes to burn out all of that energy. Constant movement assists a toddler in burning extra calories to keep them under control.

Your toddler will become self-disciplined if they hit the swimming pools.

5. Karate/Martial Arts

Dads can channel the energy of their children to martial arts or Karate. Your toddler can undertake different poses during their martial arts/karate training. The activity keeps kids active and offers them an opportunity to channel their energy to the right place.

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Martial arts will also calm your toddler and help them concentrate. Take your overactive toddler to a martial arts class near you so you can take advantage of:

  • A confidence boost
  • Improved focus
  • Improved coordination
  • Discipline

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

Is it normal for toddlers to be hyperactive?

For the most part, yes, it is normal for toddlers to be hyperactive. I would take my toddler to see a medical professional if my toddler was hyperactive every day without good reason.

How do you handle an active toddler?

First, you must listen to your toddler. Find out what they want to do. If they want to do everything all at once, let them release the information in a different way. Give them a pencil and a piece of paper and ask them to draw, or write what they want to do.

At what age do toddlers calm down?

Most toddlers have calmed down before they hit 36 months. My son was hyperactive until around the 24-month stage, and then it wore off.


If you are looking for what to do with an extremely active toddler, then I am sure the 5 things on this page will absolutely help you!

An extremely active toddler could be okay, or they may not be. We dads need to be closer to our kids to understand them.

Common causes of high levels of activity include stress, lack of sleep, and diet issues.

The remedies to these problems include mind games, drama, singing, and martial arts, among other types of sports.

There is a danger of wearing them out while you are out of the home, though! That is the dreaded request for a ‘pick up’ so you can carry them home. I always take a toddler hip carrier when I go out to burn off the excess energy. It certainly helps my back walking home!

Good luck!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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