Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks – Stop Toddler Intrigue

Here is a list of things my son has pulled out of a drawer or cabinet at home; Knife, Fork, Glue, Candy, Cleaner, Crisps, Glasses, Cat Food, Flour, Sugar…some dangerous, some costly, some funny. I seriously needed to tighten up security! So I did. I have gone through many options, and I am confident that I know what the best child-proof cabinet locks are!

I thought I would share my lessons with you……..

Although I said the above in jest, let’s take a minute to think about how serious it would be if your kid reached up into the knife drawer and pulled out the sharpest option.

As with most kids (why can’t they walk!), they are likely to run with it in their hand.

My stomach churns just thinking about it!

It would be best if you also considered how you store your cleaning equipment. It will alarm you to know that 25,000 Children are admitted to hospital each year due to ingesting poison! If you store this equipment low, you will need some childproof cabinet locks, especially when crawling!

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Childproofing your kitchen is extremely important due to the dangerous items you store in it. You will also want to think about childproofing your entire home. There are dangers everywhere, and you need to be prepared.

Best Child Proof Cabinet Locks – What Are The Options?

You need the best options to secure up your cabinets and keep them safe from your child. When you start to look around for toddler danger, you can’t stop! Even when you are around a friend’s house, you look out for certain things that could be dangerous for a child; it is natural.

Not only do they have access to dangerous things in easy to access cabinets and draws, but you also need to think about other things you will want to protect (from your child!), such as:

  • The Fridge
  • The Microwave

Anyway, enough about what they should not have access to, let’s take a look at some of the best options to stop them!

Magnetic Child Proof Cabinet Locks – THE BEST CHILD PROOF LOCK OPTION

Child Proof Cabinet Locks Magnetic
The magnetic option is the best child-proof cabinet locks! They are easy to install and easy to use!

You can secure draws and cabinets easily, and now you have magnetic locks, so you don’t even have to drill, AND you don’t have to look at them hanging off the side of your cabinets.

Happy days!

At first, the magnetic option doesn’t sound strong enough but trust me, it is. You have to remember, whilst their will is strong, their muscles are weak!

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These magnetic child locks are easy to install and will keep your kids from having access to dangerous tools, chemicals, wallets, etc.

Another excellent feature with these is you do not even know they are there from outside the cabinet!

Most of the magnetic lock options work on a smooth surface of around 30mm thick.

How Do The Magnetised Child Proof Cabinet Locks Work?

Basically, you get a certain number of locks and a certain number of keys.

The lock comes in two parts (Lock and Latch).

You put the latch at the top of the cabinet and the locking part on the door….or draw.

Once you set the lock and close the door, you have to use a magnetic ‘key’ to unlock it to gain access. Easy!

The best thing is, you can use the same key for all your cabinet locks! And you can set the lock to be constantly open, for when the ‘little cherubs’ are in bed or out for the day.

Take a look at the picture below:

How to install a magnetic cabinet lock
Installing a magnetic childproof cabinet lock is easy!


Screw-In Child Proof Cabinet Locks – Option 2

Child Proof Cabinet Locks Screw In
Screw-in cabinet locks are an excellent child-proof option!

These are the strongest option, no doubt. The weakest point is plastic!

Although they are the strongest, they also have the biggest drawback.

When you no longer need them, you will either need to fill the holes, or if they are not visible, leave them there.

I don’t mind admitting; I have one or two holes that I haven’t filled… if I can’t see them, they don’t need filling!

Screw-in cabinet locks were the first type I purchased after seeing my son reach for a knife.

I have absolutely no issue with the way they work. I am confident that he will not get into a cabinet or draw where these are present.

There is one more issue: if you have one of these on a drawer or cabinet, you have to squeeze your hand in the gap to unlock it.

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After a while, this really grated on me…and the back of my hand!

Adhesive Child Proof Cabinet Straps – Option 3

Child Proof Cabinet Locks Adhesive Clips
Adhesive clips are the easiest cabinet locks to install. Test them every month to ensure the adhesive remains strong!

I have used the adhesive strap lock option probably more than the first two. It is a good option at first, but as time goes by, they start to weaken.

It all starts with the first time you forget they are in place! You grab the draw or cabinet like a boss and use a bit too much force! The adhesive weakens, and if you pull hard enough, it comes off completely.

Each time that happens (often, if you forget stuff like me!), the adhesive fails just that little bit more.

Eventually, they are just plain useless! And they do not look great either!

Ah – one last thing….these are easy to open when your child works out how to do it. 


After using all 3 types of these child safety locks, it is clear that the magnetic locks are the best option for childproofing your cabinets and draws.

Don’t get me wrong; there are pros and cons for each. I’m not too fond of drilling holes into expensive cabinets, so the 2 choices left for me are the magnetic or the adhesive strap lock option.

The adhesive strap lock option fails for me because you can see it clearly on any drawer or cabinet, so it only really leaves 1.

Have you tried any of the options above? How did you get on? Let me know by leaving a comment!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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