Signs That Your Toddler Is Jealous Of New Baby

As if having a new baby is not challenging enough, your toddler is now wading in!

Bringing a new baby into this world will add extra stress to your family, including your toddler.

Toddler tantrums can break you, and they may escalate when an older child is jealous of a younger sibling.

But, how do you know if your toddler is coping ok with the new arrival? How do you know they are cool with it?

In this post, I will look at the common signs that your toddler is jealous of the new baby, so you can work your parenting magic to make it all better again!

Oh, and saying ‘You were this young once and we had to do all of this for you too’ straight up doesn’t work. This is a toddler you are dealing with, remember that!

Signs That Your Toddler Is Jealous Of New Baby

9 Signs That Your Toddler Is Jealous Of New Baby

Signs That Your Toddler Is Jealous Of New Baby

Common signs that your toddler is jealous of your new baby.

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More Shouting

Yeh, I know. MORE shouting. Is that even possible?

One key sign that your toddler is jealous of a new baby is shouting. Your toddler may feel as if you are being taken away from them. In an attempt to get more attention from you, they shout more.

Earplugs are frowned upon, by the way, especially when looking after kids!

More Screaming

As if more shouting wasn’t bad enough. Here come more screams!

For the same reason as above, your toddler may scream more than usual to get your attention.

I hate screaming, especially those ‘off the cuff’ screams you are not expecting!

Some toddlers will throw more tantrums after a new baby arrives, which is very common.

Constant Need For Attention

Mom, watch this. Dad, come here and play. Parents, put that baby back where it came from and pay me more attention!

Sounds familiar? That’s because you have a toddler. It could worsen, especially if your toddler is jealous of your new baby!


For me, this is one of the 2 most difficult signs that your toddler is jealous of a new sibling just because I feel sorry for them.

Damn kids, pulling on your heartstrings like that!

Your toddler may withdraw from you as punishment for spending time with a new baby.

Toddler Hitting New Baby

This is the worst sign that your toddler is jealous of a new baby. Your toddler may lash out at your newborn.

You need to pay close attention to this. If you think the green-eyed monster is making an appearance, do not leave them in a room together until you are confident that they will play nicely.

Fake Illness – Lots Of Them!

Here is another challenge. How do you know your toddler is sick when they tell you every day about a new ailment?

Bringing up kids is tough. Why do we do it again?

If your toddler suddenly becomes a hypochondriac, it could result from a fit of jealousy. Again, this is another attempt to drag your attention away from the screaming baby.

See also  Why Do Toddlers Throw Things! 5 Reasons Why

Hating On Parents

If your toddler suddenly hates you, it isn’t a good thing. It might seem it at the time, especially if they leave you alone, but it needs to be sorted quickly before it gets out of hand.

Your toddler might hate both parents, or they might begin to distance themselves from Mom or Dad.

Not Eating

This doesn’t usually last long, especially when you wheel out their favorite dish!

In an attempt to grab the limelight away from their younger sibling, your toddler may go on a hunger strike. Test their metal with a packet of their favorite candy. Dangle the candy in front of them. Tell your toddler they can have some candy after they finish their meal!


Unusual Sleeping Patterns

Your toddler might develop unusual sleeping patterns, including:

Continue their regular bedtime routine until it all blows over because it will blow over. I promise.

Dealing With Toddler Jealousy Tantrums

Dealing With Toddler Jealousy Tantrums
Dealing with Toddler tantrums follows the same process as normal tantrums.

Dealing with toddler tantrums when they are jealous of a new baby is the same as dealing with toddler tantrums in general!

Please take a look at my terrible twos post for more information.

Helping Older Siblings Cope With New Baby

Helping Older Siblings Cope With New Baby
You must be proactive when helping older siblings deal with your new arrival!

The best thing you can do to help older siblings cope with their new siblings is to get them involved.

Toddlers love ‘helping,’ even though it is more of a hindrance (sshh, don’t tell them!)

Need to change the baby? Get your toddler to grab a diaper, the wipes, and dispose of the old diaper (kidding).

Improving Toddler Behavior After New Baby Arrives

You only need to do one thing, set up a rewards chart! Kids love a rewards chart, and they love it when you praise them for good behavior.

Stick the rewards chart on the wall and lay down the ground rules. 1 star for good behavior, 1 star removed for bad behavior. At the end of the week, if you are x amount of stars, you get a treat!

See also  Separation Anxiety In Toddlers At Bedtime - 5 Step Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do when your child is jealous of a newborn?

Always observe the time that your toddler and newborn spend together. Use your toddler to do some of the menial tasks such as get the diaper ready, feed the baby, pass me some baby clothes.

Your toddler will feel like they are involved, and that is a very powerful thing!

How do I tell my toddler about a new baby?

Build it up! Does your toddler have any friends with younger siblings? Use that as an example. ‘You know your friend Jack, he has a baby sister, doesn’t he? He loves his baby sister! You are going to have a baby brother or sister too!’

If your toddler does not have any friends with younger siblings, then you could break the news with a gift to welcome the news!

Can a new baby affect a child’s development?

Not unless the parents drop the ball, no. As a parent, it is your job to ensure that you are able to bring another baby into this world without it having a detrimental effect on your toddler’s development.

As long as you continue with their learning path, they will be absolutely fine.


I have identified 9 signs on this page that your toddler is jealous of a new baby. Now it is down to you to fix that!

As I mentioned on this page, the best thing that you can do to stop the jealousy is to get your toddler involved.

For a start, toddlers love to get involved. It also means that your toddler is still receiving your attention, and you don’t have to get out of your seat to get the diapers!

Try not to turn them into a slave, though; the plan may backfire!

Oh, and in the future, the tide may turn, and when your baby enters toddlerhood, they might become jealous of their older sibling!

Good luck!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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