Best Baby Movement Monitor [Includes Alternative]

I cannot emphasize it enough. This product was the sole reason I could sleep well when my Son was a baby. So I decided to create a guide and identify the best baby movement monitor because I want every parent to recognize its benefits!

Why You Get More Sleep With A Baby Movement Monitor

The worst-case scenario is exactly what I prepare for!

What if the baby is sick in the night and cannot turn its head away? What if you do not hear it through the monitor? Damn, it has me sweating just thinking about it!

We also remember SUIDS (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome), which is a very grim topic! This is the term used to describe the unexpected death of a child less than 1-year-old. It is one of the very worst situations you can find yourself in as a parent, without a doubt. These deaths happen in and around the sleeping area of a baby.

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Reading The Dangers Of SUIDS Stopped Me Sleeping!

If you are like me, you will read all you can about the dangers of SUIDS and what you can do to reduce the chances of it happening. After I read about the risks, the annoying fact is that I found it difficult to sleep.

In the lead-up to the birth of my Son, I searched the internet for the best baby movement monitor because I WANTED TO SLEEP. Sleep is a luxury when they are firstborn. Make it easier on yourself by getting some good quality sleep when you can!

Knowing that I would be woken up if there were any issues with his breathing was extremely reassuring! The result was some good quality sleep – sometimes for over an hour. Bliss!

Best Baby Movement Monitor – Snuza Hero

41e3H3a4cJL. SL500

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  • Medically Certified
  • Completely Portable
  • Vibrates first to reduce false alarms
  • More comfortable than they look


  • It doesn’t link up to the main monitor, but you can still hear it through the speaker.

I rated this Snuza Hero as the best baby movement monitor because it is a medically certified device with far fewer false alarms than other options!

The Snuza Hero is a small device you attach to your baby’s diaper/nappy and senses breathing.

After 15 seconds, it will give a little vibrate, stirring the baby and minimizing false alarms. If after 20 seconds, it still does not pick up any movement, the alarm will sound, and you will jump out of bed and burst into their room like the Special Forces!

Another reason I love this is the portability options. It is not suitable for use in cars or when you are taking them out for a walk, but it can be used as a movement monitor if you are stationary.

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As soon as you have a new baby, everyone you know will want to see it. When you visit your friends and the baby is asleep, put the Snuza Hero on, and you can relax!

Although it looks pretty bulky, it is still comfortable and will not give your baby any problems. There are options out there with sensor pads, like the one below, and these are fantastic for your home but are not very portable, and they tend to give more false readings.

Baby Movement Monitor – Another Excellent Option – Angelcare

31dVK8CbWsL. SL500

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  • Well Known Brand
  • Not intrusive
  • Temperature display
  • Baby monitor too


  • Not as portable as the Snuza above

The Angelcare baby movement monitor is the exact model I used when my Son was a baby.

When we used this, we did have a few false alarms. The first had my heart beating through my chest, and for some reason, my left eye hurt for hours afterward; it was likely to result from the rush of adrenaline! After the first couple of false alarms, I was much calmer about it, even taking a stroll to make sure he was still breathing.

Don’t get me wrong; there were not too many false alarms in the first 9 months, probably around 1 every month. As soon as he started rolling about in his crib, it gave us false alarms more regularly.

The Angelcare is an excellent solution, though. A well-known brand makes it with tremendous expertise in creating baby movement monitors.

Are There Any Drawbacks When Using A Baby Movement Sensor?

Just one! False alarms!

The first few times they happen, your heart races, and you are likely to trip over things as you rush to your child’s aid.

Then, after the first few, you take it a bit easier, but there is still an element of panic.

While the above is said in jest, it is essential to familiarise yourself with some basic infant resuscitation techniques, just in case you hear the alarm and it is not false.

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The Snuza Hero is the best baby movement monitor available.

I will reiterate, just in case you missed the first 100 times! Having a movement monitor gave me so much reassurance when my Son was a newborn. I do not doubt that it was the sole reason that the little sleep I got was good quality sleep. Sometimes getting your child to sleep can be challenging enough! So you need to enjoy the time you get when they finally drop off!

Sleeping is vital as a parent when you have work the next day (although you are fully prepared to go back to work after your paternity leave), so anything that will help the quality is well worth investing in it!

I have many friends who have gone on to have kids since I spawned a child, and every single one of them has been told why I used a movement monitor (Whether they like it or not). Around 50% of them took my advice on board, and they have come back to me and agreed!

Many parents decide not to use one, mainly because they ‘can’t deal with the false alarms.’ I would much rather deal with the false alarms if it meant I avoid what would be an utterly devastating discovery, should the worst happen.

Anyway, I hope this has been useful to you, good luck with whatever choice you make!

If you have used one of the above options and have a different opinion or have had a good experience with another baby movement monitor, I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or get in touch!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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