27 Consequences for Kids That Will Make Them Think Twice Before Acting Up

When it comes to raising kids, one of the most important things we can do as parents is teach them right from wrong.

And one of the best ways to do that is by imposing consequences for their actions.

If a child knows that there will be consequences for bad behavior, they are likely to think twice before acting up.

That’s the idea anyway! This blog post will discuss 27 consequences for kids that will make them think twice before acting up!

27 Consequences for Kids That Will Make Them Think Twice

27 Consequences For Kids That Should Help You Stop Bad Behavior

1. Grounding

When it comes to consequences for kids, grounding is one of the most common forms of discipline.

Grounding a child means that they are not allowed to leave the house or contact other people.

This can be a very effective way to stop bad behavior.

2. Taking away privileges

One common consequence for kids who act up is taking away privileges. This could mean taking away their favorite toy, TV time, going outside, or anything else that the child enjoys.

Taking privileges away can be an effective way to get kids to behave, as they will want to do whatever it takes to get their privileges back.

3. Sending them to their room

When your kid does something bad, you might send them to their room. This is a way to make them think about what they did and why it was wrong. It can also help them calm down.

4. Confiscating their toys or favorite items

Confiscating a child’s toys is a great way to get their attention and make them think twice about their behavior.

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When a child knows that they stand to lose something they enjoy, it can be a powerful motivator for change.

5. Making them do extra chores

child doing chores

One common consequence for kids that will make them think twice before acting up is making them do extra chores. This can include taking out the trash, cleaning the floors, or doing the dishes.

Not only does this help keep your home clean and organized, but it also teaches kids about responsibility and accountability.

There is a risk they will see this kind of activity as punishment, which may cause issues in the future, but it’s still a good option!

6. Having them write an apology letter

One common consequence for kids who have acted up is having them write an apology letter.

This can be a helpful way to help them understand and take responsibility for their actions. It can also help teach them the importance of empathy and taking others’ feelings into account.

7. Making them study for a longer period

When it comes to consequences for kids, one of the most effective methods for ensuring they behave is making them study for a longer period of time.

This will ensure that they are thinking more carefully about their actions before they take them, and it will also help improve their academic performance.

8. Having them sit in time out

children in timeout

Time out is a type of punishment that is often used for kids. It involves making them sit in a specific spot for a period of time, usually one to three minutes for each year of their age.

This is a way to make them think about what they did wrong and hopefully learn from their mistake.

There are some excellent alternatives to timeout for toddlers specifically.

9. Taking away their allowance

Many parents find that taking away their child’s allowance is an effective way to get them to stop misbehaving.

When kids know that they’re losing something important to them, they’re more likely to think twice before acting up.

Plus – if they are saving for a new toy or gadget, it impacts them a little more!

10. Not letting them go out with their friends

If kids are causing trouble, one consequence can be not letting them go out with their friends. This will prevent them from having fun and enjoying themselves and may make them think twice before acting up again.

Additionally, it will teach them that their actions have consequences and need to be more responsible in the future.

11. Not letting them watch their favorite TV show

The consequences for kids not following the rules can be dire, and this is especially true when it comes to something like watching TV.

Many parents think that letting their child watch their favorite TV show is a reward, but in fact, it can be a punishment. By not letting them watch their favorite TV show, you are taking away something they enjoy and making them think about their bad behavior.

12. Not letting them use the family computer

One of the consequences for kids that can effectively get them to think twice before acting up is not letting them use the family computer.

This can be tough for kids, especially if they’re used to spending a lot of time on the internet or playing video games.

13. Not allowing them to go to a friend’s house

If your child is constantly getting into trouble, one of the consequences you may want to consider is not allowing them to go to a friend’s house.

This will help them learn that there are consequences for their actions and that they need to behave to enjoy privileges like going to their friends’ houses.

14. Not letting them eat their favorite food

Kids love their favorite foods, and they often act up to try and get what they want. However, if parents start implementing consequences that involve not letting the kids eat their favorite food, they will quickly change their behavior.

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This will teach them that bad behavior doesn’t always get them what they want, and it will help them learn to control their impulses.

15. Giving them a time-out from family activities

When kids act up, one of the consequences parents may choose to use a time-out from family activities. This means that the child will be excluded from activities like going to the park or eating dinner with the family.

This can be a powerful motivator for kids to behave better in the future.

16. Not letting them play their favorite game

children playing game

If your child is misbehaving, one of the consequences you may choose to implement is not letting them play their favorite game. This may seem like a harsh punishment, but it can be an effective way to get them to think twice before acting up again.

When your child is eager to play their favorite game but cannot because they misbehaved, they will likely start to understand how their actions have consequences. As a result, they may be less likely to act out in the future.

17. Making them listen to a boring lecture

One of the consequences for kids that can be very effective in making them think twice before acting up is listening to a boring lecture. This could be a lecture on the consequences of their actions or on manners, respect, or responsible behavior.

By forcing kids to sit through a long, tedious lecture, parents can show them that there are consequences for their actions that go beyond just being scolded or yelled at. This can be an effective way to get kids to think twice before acting out again.

18. Giving them a long and detailed punishment

When it comes to consequences for kids, one of the most effective methods is to give them a long and detailed punishment. This might include grounding them from certain activities, taking away privileges, or making them do extra chores.

By giving them a clearly outlined punishment that lasts for a significant amount of time, you can help ensure that they think twice before acting up again.

19. Taking away their bedtime story

bedtime story

When a child misbehaves, one of the consequences parents may use is taking away their bedtime story. This may seem like a trivial punishment, but it can be pretty effective in getting a child to behave.

Bedtime stories are often one of the highlights of a child’s day, and taking them away can be quite a deterrent. This is especially true for younger children who may not yet understand the full consequences of their actions.

Of course, this punishment should only be used in moderation and should be appropriate to the child’s age. For example, you may want to consider taking away other privileges such as screen time or social activities instead for older children. But for younger kids, taking away their bedtime story can be a powerful way to get them to think twice before acting up again.

20. Putting them to bed early

One of the consequences for kids that will make them think twice before acting up is putting them to bed early. When kids are tired, they are more likely to behave and less likely to cause trouble.

By putting them to bed early, you ensure that they get the rest they need and are less likely to misbehave.

21. Sending them to bed without dinner

Sending a child to bed without dinner as a punishment can be an effective way to get them to think twice about their behavior.

They will be hungry, but they’ll also likely be cranky and tired the next day.

This consequence is sure to make them think twice before acting up again.

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22. Waking them up early in the morning

One of the consequences for kids that will make them think twice before acting up is waking them up early in the morning. This is an excellent consequence if they like to lay in!

Always ensure they get the required amount of sleep by age, though.

23. Making them do a difficult task

One way to consequences for kids that will make them think twice before acting up is to make them do a difficult task. For example, this could be cleaning their room, doing the dishes, or taking out the trash.

By making them do something unpleasant, they will be less likely to misbehave in the future.

24. Not letting them have dessert


It can be tough to enforce consequences, but it’s essential to help kids learn from their mistakes.

One way to enforce consequences is not to let them have dessert. This can be a big motivator for kids, especially if they have a sweet tooth!

25. Making them stand in the corner

Making a child stand in the corner as a punishment can be very effective.

It is a physical way to make them aware of their wrongdoing, and it also leaves them feeling isolated and embarrassed.

26. Not letting them play outside

It can be hard to enforce consequences for kids, but sometimes it’s necessary. One consequence that might make them think twice before acting up is not letting them play outside.

There is a risk to this strategy. When kids are cooped up inside all day, they’re likely to get antsy and act out more.

27. Making them sit in silence for a period of time

One way to punish kids for their bad behavior is to make them sit in silence for a period of time.

This will give them time to reflect on their actions and the consequences that came with them.

It will also show them that you’re serious about punishing them and that they can’t get away with bad behavior.

Consider an age-appropriate consequence.

It’s essential to make sure that the consequences are appropriate for the child’s age and the severity of their actions.

For example, a five-year-old who throws a tantrum in the grocery store will not be responsive to the same consequences as a teenager who gets caught smoking cigarettes.

And neither of those consequences would be appropriate for a child who hits another child on the playground.

Think about your goal

When you’re trying to decide on a consequence, it’s essential to think about what the goal is. For example, if you want your child to start cleaning up their room every day, then a consequence for not doing so could be that they can’t watch TV until their room is clean.

On the other hand, if you want your child to stop interrupting people when they’re talking, then a consequence could be that they have to sit quietly for one minute every time they interrupt.

Do not choose fear as a consequence.

It’s also important not to use fear as a consequence. For example, if your child is afraid of the dark, threatening to turn off the lights at bedtime is not the right choice.

Be consistent

Once you’ve decided on a consequence, it’s essential to be consistent with it. Otherwise, your child won’t take it seriously.

If you say that they can’t have dessert unless they eat their dinner, you need to stick to that every time.

Otherwise, they’ll learn that they can get away with not eating their dinner sometimes because you’re not always going to follow through with the consequences.


So there you have it, 27 consequences for kids you can start today if you need it!

Remember, positive discipline is always a better option than punishment.


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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