How to Get Your Toddler to Poop in the Potty – 5 Tips

The potty. If there is anything that gives us parents a massive sense of relief, it is when your toddler poops in the potty for the first time.

It means we no longer have to shell out for diapers for a start!

Not only that, but it is a huge step in your toddler progressing to become a fully functioning human being. It’s huge.

But, Why is it so scary for a toddler? How do you get your toddler to poop in the potty?

In this post, I will give you some tips I used.

What you will learn in this post:

  1. The benefits of teaching your toddler to use the potty
  2. 5 ways to get your toddler to poop in the potty
  3. Additional challenges

5 Ways to Get Your Toddler to Poop in the Potty

Potty – The Fear Is Real (For A Toddler)

One common problem parents face when potty-training their kids is the fear of toilets.

For example, a toddler may think that they may be accidentally flushed down a toilet.

Although that’s not possible, they lack the cognitive abilities to understand.

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5 Tips to Help Your Toddler Poop in the Potty

5 Tips to Help Your Toddler to Poop in the Potty Infographic

1. Diet Check

If your little one doesn’t poop for a bit, they may be experiencing constipation. It takes only one painful poop to scare your toddler away from using a potty.

Some kids are so averse of pooping on potties they hold bowel movements, and this may cause severe or chronic constipation.

Encourage your toddler to drink a recommended amount of fluid. Pediatricians recommend parents stick to water or add a splash of fruit juice.

Milk can cause constipation for some toddlers.

Another option for preventing constipation among kids is ensuring that they exercise regularly. When you get your little one moving, they’ll experience better digestion, and the chances of constipation will be lower.

Ensure that your kid is enjoying fiber-rich foods and whole grains. By doing so, food will move through their digestive system steadily. The best foods include apples, pears, vegetables, and barley.

2. The Position

According to research, the body position is crucial to ensure the optimal release of poop.

The key point here is that your toddler should be in a position where their knees are above their hip. It goes back to thousands of years ago when folks like us used to ‘cop a squat.’ We didn’t have anything flash-like a toilet to sit on.

Practice this together until your toddler cracks it! Make it fun.

3. Take It Slow

The key message is don’t rush. This will only stress your toddler to increase their fear of the potty!

Take it easy, and approach the problem with a ‘reward’ attitude. Every time they take a small step, reward them. What steps can you reward?

  1. Not wearing a diaper for a day.
  2. Pooping in a diaper in the same room as the potty (near the toilet)
  3. Pooping in a diaper ON the potty
  4. Then, pooping on the potty!

Each of those steps can be repeated as many times as needed. Your toddler needs to be comfortable at each stage.

4. Privacy, Please?

Usually, parents are always watching their children for signs of pooping and tend to overlook this tip. Most toddlers have already developed a sense of shame when pooping.

Therefore, if you stand close to your toddler while in the bathroom, they may have difficulty getting the job done.

It’s not possible to poop if you’re nervous, right?

It isn’t easy to poop while someone is watching. The same applies to toddlers.

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5. Have an Open Door Policy

By doing so, you will normalize the process for your kid. If your toddler is comfortable, let them in the bathroom with you.

I hated this! But it does work. They will begin to realize that it is a normal activity.

You want to prove to your child that pooping in a potty is something everyone does.

Special Bonus – Follow A Program

I stumbled upon a program that promises to teach potty training by noon!

The process is simple and makes a game from potty training your toddler. Feel free to check it out. It is 100% guaranteed, so good luck!

3 Key Benefits of Teaching Your Toddler to Poop in the potty

Everyone poops! However, it may not seem like natural behavior if you parent a toddler who doesn’t want to poop.

Generally, children have daily bowel movements and occasionally experience constipation. As a result, they may have a hard time when trying to poop.

Read on to learn the benefits of training your toddler to poop in the potty.

Encouraging Healthy Habits

Usually, kids start potty training at the same age they start learning personal hygiene.

The training exercise can help them apply similar approaches to brushing their teeth and bathing.

Opens up New Opportunities

Wouldn’t you want to live without worrying about your toddler pooping or wetting their pants?

Additionally, many child development centers only accept potty-trained kids. If you plan on taking your toddler to this place, it’s a relief when they eventually learn how to poop on the potty.

Boosts Confidence

If your toddler succeeds in pooping in a potty, they will be as thrilled as a student who just passed their test. They’ll be confident when pursuing other goals.

Finally, one of the reasons your little one may not show interest in learning how to release poop in their potty is that they may not be ready for it. Ensure that they are ready for it!

Some signs of readiness include walking and sitting for hours, gaining interest in watching others when going to the bathroom and disliking wearing nappies.

Challenges After Success – Be Prepped

One of the main problems most parents face during potty training is regression. For example, your child may be eager to learn how to use a potty and stay dry for hours.

Then one day, they wake up and start having accidents, stops pooping in their potty, or use it altogether.

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The problem is common among most toddlers. Regression is usually due to significant changes in a kid’s normal routine. Some changes include moving into a new school, a new nanny, or other changes in your home.

Keep an eye out for these changes.

One more quick note – now that you have a toddler pooping in the potty, you need to teach them to wipe themselves, and your job is almost over!

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

Why are toddlers afraid to poop on the potty?

Fear of change is the biggest reason why toddlers do not like to poop on the potty. Let’s face it, they have been using a diaper since birth. This is new to them! That is why you need to relax and get used to each step. It will happen, you need some patience.

How do you get a toddler to poop?

Exercise is an excellent, natural way to bring on the poop! Get your toddler’s legs moving, and make sure they drink plenty of fluids.

How long should I let my toddler sit on the potty?

The answer is ‘however long it takes for your toddler to get bored.’ Don’t force them to sit on the potty because it will seem like a punishment, and they will be less likely to sit on it in the future.


If you want to know how to get your toddler to poop in the potty, then the 5 tips on this page will help you achieve that!

To reiterate the key message, you must stay calm and relaxed and take each day at a time, along with each little win.

When you get those little ‘wins,’ make sure to make a big deal out of it in front of your toddler.

I remember when my son first peed in the potty. I made such a big deal out of it that he got very excited! Unfortunately for me, he chose to express his excitement by grabbing the potty and throwing it across the room.

Still, a win is a win! I gave him a high five and cleaned up the mess.

Good luck!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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