5 Essential Tips On How to Help A Distracted Child

Anyone who has ever had the responsibility of being a parent or guardian to a small child will know just how stressful, confusing, and testing it can be at any point in the day!

Children are one of life’s greatest gifts.

But that doesn’t mean that they are always perfectly behaved. You know that already.

One issue that tends to come up repeatedly with parents and guardians is that they find their child is distracted and does not have a very long attention span.

Of course, you can’t expect a small child to be as engaged and ‘in the moment’ as an adult all the time.

Sometimes there is a vibe that can be picked up on in which you get the sense that your little one might be more troubled by their distractive nature than others.

There are plenty of different ways to help a distracted child, but it can be helpful to brush up on some of the reasons that this might be happening in the first place.

How to Help A Distracted Child

Why Your Child Might Be Easily Distracted

1. Lack of Practice

If the problem of distraction has been raised by a teacher in school, then it could be that your child hasn’t yet gotten used to the regimented routine that school requires of them.

Little ones starting in a classroom for the first time can often take some time to adjust to the new way that their days pan out.

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Once upon a time, all they had to think about was playing and eating; now, there are many more structured tasks to get used to. Being a child sucks.

2. Not Challenged Enough

Alternatively, it could be the case that your child isn’t being challenged enough in their new environment.

If they happen to be exceptionally gifted or intelligent, distraction can arise from being presented with work and situations too simple for them to get invested in.

Boredom is a key reason why your child is lacking attention!

3. External Factors

Many distractions in young children can arise thanks to external factors in the environment around them. Chatty class peers and a cluttered workspace will lead to distraction!

It’s worth considering this as a reason for your own child’s issues.

4. Lack of Motivation

Distraction can also stem from a general disinterest in whatever activity is causing your child’s attention to wander. In these cases, it can be productive to search for alternative activities to help them be more invested.

Alternatively, show them a different way to tackle the task to see if you can spark their interest…

5. Sleep and Nutrition

The lack of a sleep routine and nutrition(too much sugar) are responsible for distraction issues. For example, if your child isn’t sleeping enough at night or is a fussy eater that doesn’t enjoy a balanced diet, it could contribute to their distraction problems.

So, now that we have identified some of the leading causes in the problem area, what about the solutions?

How To Help A Distracted Child – 5 Rules

ways to help a child who is distracted

Here are some of the best-recommended ways to help distracted children become more stable and engaged versions of themselves.

5 Rules For Helping A Distracted Child infogram

1. Consistent Schedule

If you want to know how to help a distracted child, one of the first and most effective things is to set up a regular and consistent schedule for your child.

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Getting them into a routine that they can recognize and start to rely on is an excellent way to help them with their distraction issues.

The fewer new elements and incidents that occur each day, the fewer possibilities for the distraction there will be.

2. Frequent Breaks

One way to get your child to focus more is to structure their work in shorter bursts. This gives them frequent breaks in between.

When a little one feels like something will go on forever, they will automatically start to switch off and wander from the task at hand.

The knowledge that a short break is coming after a period of effort might make them more inclined to stick at it.

By taking frequent breaks, you will help your distracted child focus.

3. Remove Distractions

Sometimes you have to take a slightly harder approach to the situation and remove the offending distractions from the work environment.

In most cases, distraction tends to come from things like phones, TVs, and game consoles.

Create a space where the possible distractions are few and far between. That will help your distracted kid!

4. Talk at Their Level

One of the quickest ways to lose a child’s engagement is to talk to them at a level they cannot yet comprehend.

Please do your best to keep things at a level where they can understand everything you say and find the words to develop appropriate responses. You know how good it feels to have a terrific conversation with somebody, right? So keep that in mind when trying to engage with your child!

Communication is extremely important.

5. Be Positive

Always try to tackle these things positively. Include references to the distraction issues with your child positively in their presence. For example, rather than telling them off for being distracted, talk to them about things they are interested in.

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In the long run, positive feedback and reinforcement are much better. It won’t change behavior from bad to good but streamline it as it already exists.

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

How can I help when my child is distracted in the classroom?

Firstly, you will need to engage with your child’s teacher. They will be trained in dealing with easily distracted children. For example, I would ask, ‘what can I do at home to help a distracted child?’ Your child’s teacher will be able to give you tips to improve concentration levels at school.

Why does my child get distracted easily?

There could be several reasons why your child is easily distracted. First, they could be bored, not interested, or they might have too many things around to distract them. If your child is easily distracted, begin by removing everything around them and work from there.

Is my child easily distracted because they have ADHD?

Not necessarily. Although, if you think your child has symptoms of ADHD, do not rely on the internet or any quiz to diagnose it. Take your child to see a medical professional.


Hopefully, our brief list of tips and suggestions might be able to help you on your journey to help a distracted child. Resolving your child’s distraction issues is certainly a journey!

I urge parents and guardians not to take a regimented approach to the situation early.

Attention span is something that very much matures and develops as a child grows.

My son gets distracted easily still! It is an ongoing battle that we know how to control.

Ultimately, if you want to know how to help a child that is easily distracted, you need to put a plan together, stick to it, and do not rush it!

Good luck!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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