6 Awesome Toys With Steering Wheels For Toddlers

Kids also need to know how to drive. You can’t put your toddler behind the wheel; unless it’s one of the most awesome toys with a steering wheel for toddlers!

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Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Servin' Up Fun Food Truck
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Servin’ Up Fun Food Truck
This Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Servin’ Up Fun Food Truck doubles up as a toy. Not only does it have a steering wheel, but your toddler can also immerse themselves in some excellent role play!

In this case, you can never buy enough of those, and there’s every possibility that your car-crazy child will love every single one of them (it is also worth checking out these garage toys for toddlers).

Why Steering Wheel Toys Are Awesome For Toddlers

Toys with steering wheels for toddlers are great for play, but more importantly, they help with the development process. Every time the child manipulates something on the steering wheel and sees the car reacting, they learn the concept of cause and effect. Turn the wheel, and the car will turn, press the tiny horn, and there will be a honking sound. What a child is learning is that actions come with reactions.

And not just that. Simulated driving is great for a toddler’s concentration and imagination. As your little one gets carried away in that imaginary world, they will find themself focusing on the visual (like looking at the road ahead), actionable (like turning the steering wheel), and auditory (like hearing the horn) aspects of the play.

That develops motor skills and coordination from a very young age.

Besides, turning a toy steering wheel is in itself a physical activity. It helps the child’s muscles to develop and bones to strengthen. If it’s a ride-on car, the child will use almost every muscle in their body to power it.

Not many exercises come close to that.

So, if you can find a toy that combines exercising with motor control, you will help your child develop healthily. In light of that, we have taken the liberty to review the best toys with steering wheels for toddlers.

Let’s dig in, shall we?

6 Best Toys With Steering Wheels For Toddlers

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Servin’ Up Fun Food Truck

Fisher-Price Laugh Learn Servin Up Fun Food Truck

Not only is this an awesome toddler toy with a steering wheel, but it also gives your toddler a complete role-playing opportunity!

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Kicking off the review is this fantastic food truck for toddlers. The two-sided toy has a truck dashboard on one side and several culinary playthings on the other side. There’s no driving involved, but the dashboard side features a steering wheel, gear shifter, and clicker key.

It’s pretty realistic and great for your toddler’s imagination, just as the counter side is.

The latter has a food prep area fitted with a light-up grill, a “full” cash register with 4 menu cards, a wash-up sink, and a service bell. Just below the counter, on the outside, is a recycle bin. In total, your toddler gets over 20 removable pieces to play with.

And that’s not even the most fun part! The cash register reads all the menu cards while the tiny stereo system plays over 125 songs and sounds. Simply put, this truck provides hundreds, if not thousands, of learning opportunities for kids.

From singing to culinary skills, interactive play, hygiene lessons, and much more, the Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Servin’ Up Fun Food Truck has them all. That’s why it gets a spot among the best toys with steering wheels for toddlers.

How the Fisher-Price Food Truck Enhances Toddler Development

  • The realistic truck side will help your baby understand the basics of driving and road etiquette as the food prep area teaches them something about being a chef.
  • Built-in songs, tunes, and phrases are great for a child’s academics. They focus on counting and sizing.
  • Promotes interactive play. At least 3 kids can use this toy at once, with one of them being the chef, another one taking the driver’s position, and the third kid as the food buyer.
  • If they are many, toddlers will learn to take turns and, in the process, acquire the skill of patience. It can be used by kids of crawling age all through 11 years, so don’t be afraid to let them explore this magical truck.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe

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My Son had this Likkle Tikes car as a toddler, and he still plays with it now!

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A toy car is nice, but a smiling toy car is even better for a toddler. And that’s exactly what your child will get in the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe – a colorful, smiling ride-on coupe. It’s not just a likable and amusing toy but also quite realistic. It has four wheels and a steering wheel, complete with a working horn.

The clicking ignition switch will make your child feel like they have started a real car. A small gas cap at the back that opens and closes, so don’t be shocked when your baby pulls up next to you at the gas station!

Of course, they won’t, but what they can do is ride the toy.

Its removable floor cover lets your child power the toy car with their feet.

Steering isn’t hard since the front wheels can turn 360 degrees. So when your toddler is tired, you can carry the whole car with them! So there’s a sturdy grip at the top, fitted for that particular purpose.

How Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Enhances Toddler Development

  • Provides physical exercise, muscle development, and bone-strengthening when the child powers the car themself
  • An excellent educational tool for young drivers. They can know all the basics of driving, from starting a car to fuelling and a lot more.
  • Requires assembly. Doing this with your child’s help will teach them how to build things.
  • Encourages role-play and imaginative play, both of which are great for mastering social and communication skills.

Best Learning My Spin & Learn Steering Wheel

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Geared towards younger toddlers, this steering wheel is fun and educational!

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How about getting your toddler a colorful toy rich in visual and academic features? That’s what My Spin & Learn Steering Wheel from Beat Learning brings to the table. The circular steering wheel has three modes.

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First, the color mode is white, red, blue, yellow, and purple. The LEDs will come on when this mode is active, highlighting the colors for the child to see. The second mode involves shapes. Your toddler will learn to identify a triangle, square, pentagon, star, and circle here. Again, LEDs highlight the shape for your child to take note of.

This is also one of the portable toys with steering wheels for toddlers on this page.

The final mode teaches feelings.

Your toddler can learn joy, surprise, anger, fear, and sadness. You guessed it right, LEDs light up to highlight each feeling.

The best part of this learning wheel is the songs, sentences, and phrases. Whenever a color, shape, or feeling is highlighted in LED, the toy plays an accompanying song, sentence, or word to teach the child what they are looking at. In other words, it triggers your child’s visual and auditory senses. Not only is it one of the top toys with steering wheels for toddlers, but it will teach your toddler more too!

How cool is that?

That makes this wheel up among the best toys with steering wheels for toddlers.

How the Best Learning Wheel Enhances Toddler Development

  • Teaches kids to identify basic shapes, colors, and feelings.
  • Accompanying songs are great for a child’s vocal and vocabulary development.
  • It’s an engaging toy that can teach your toddler how to concentrate.
  • Some buttons change the mode when pressed. More importantly, they trigger a baby’s curiosity as they try to discover what will happen when a button is pressed.
  • It’s a wheel, so there’s the driving aspect of this toy.

Mickey and Friends: Activity Pinball Ride On

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This is one of the classic toys with steering wheels for toddlers! It doesn’t have to be Disney themed, but any toy like this will be played with for hours!

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Who wouldn’t want a piece of Mickey’s positive vibes? He has a way of putting a smile on kids’ faces with his hilarious voice and sparks of light. No wonder toddlers get excited at seeing a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar or a Mickey-themed park.

Well, those are two ways of getting your baby a piece of Mickey and Friends; if you want to do it once or twice a year! The other way, the better way, is by getting a Mickey and Friends Activity Pinball Ride On. This nicely decorated ride-on toy has Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and all the beloved characters from the show.

It has activity buttons that play Mickey’s favorite tunes, giving your toddler time to enjoy the music and learn the words.

A turn-able knob spins colors and blinks signal lights just like in real cars. It comes complete with a tiny ignition key and gear that revs the engine to produce an engine sound.

Long story short, this toy has a fantastic ability to mimic real cars. That’s one of the reasons why it’s among the best toys with steering wheels for toddlers – kids can learn about driving from a tender age.

How Mickey and Friends Enhances Toddler Development

  • It mimics real cars, which makes it an amazing tool for driving lessons. You can teach road etiquette when your child is young.
  • It has a peek-a-boo window for imaginative play, which enhances social and communication skills.
  • The included removable toy phone makes learning communication even easier for a child.
  • The baby can sit and ride on or push the toy. Either way, it offers good exercise.

CASDON Sat Nav Steering Wheel

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Your toddler will love the realistic sound effects with this steering wheel toy!

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Kids love to play pretend, and they find it more fun when the toy is realistic. Speaking of which, CASDON’s Sat Nav Steering Wheel is the closest substitute for an actual steering wheel. It’s a toy satellite navigator and steering wheel, a combination that makes it the perfect tool for toddler play, learning, and development.

If you are looking for toys with steering wheels for toddlers, then this budget friendly option is an awesome one!

The toy wheel has several realistic features, including a revving engine, a horn that honks, a braking tool, and something to imitate gear change.

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So while your little one won’t be driving an actual car, they will get enough fun from pretending to. However, indicators and flashing lights make it even more realistic, and you can use them to teach your child about traffic rules.

How CASDON Sat Nav Steering Wheel Enhances Toddler Development

  • Motoring sounds and commands that interact with the wheel to help your child learn the basics of driving
  • Flashing lights and indicators can teach your child a thing or two about traffic rules.
  • Based on an instructional play that teaches your child left and right directions
  • Your toddler can develop hand-to-eye coordination by playing with the wheel.
  • Has spoken instructions which also help with your child’s hearing and vocabulary

Taf Toys Infant and Baby Car Wheel Toy

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This is an awesome steering wheel toy when your child is leaving the baby years and moving into toddler territory. Plus it gives them something to do on long journeys!

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Are you a parent/guardian who enjoys occasional driving with your little one? You can make the experience more fun for your toddler by adding the Taf Toys Infant and Baby Car Wheel Toy into the mix. The little steering attaches to the seat’s headrest in the front and allows your toddler to imitate the driver’s actions.

In addition to a steering wheel, the toy has a gear lever. It makes sounds and produces light; both of which are very amusing to toddlers.

More importantly, they stimulate your baby’s senses while providing fun on the road.

How Taf Toys Car Wheel Toy Enhances Toddler Development

  • Allows baby or toddler to play pretend by imitating the driver’s actions, encouraging learning by imitation.
  • By watching and imitating, the baby can develop motor skills and coordination.
  • Sounds and lights help to develop your baby’s visual and auditory senses
  • Great tool for teaching a child cause and effect through imaginative play

Which Steering Wheel Toy Should You Choose For Your Toddler?

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe makes the best pick if you want a ride-on car that will give your baby all the necessary exercises. On the other hand, the Fisher-Price Food Truck is perfect for gaining as many skills as possible – from culinary to driving and everything in between.

Mickey and Friends are suitable for riding on, playing tunes, and learning colors, which is also the case for Best Learning Wheel. The latter adds the benefit of learning about feelings as well.

CASDON Sat Nav Steering Wheel and Taf Toys Car Wheel are excellent for teaching toddlers the basics of driving, traffic rules, and how to treat other road users.

Ultimately, there are many toys with steering wheels for toddlers right here. All you need to do is choose one of them!


Each toy on this page is a fantastic option for toddlers after toys with steering wheels!

Your toddler will love role-playing as a driver, and be just like you when you are driving… so make sure you don’t go cursing at other drivers because they will copy you as they play!

In other words, each of these toys with steering wheels brings something to the table. Feel free to grab whichever option is most suitable for your toddler.

Even better, two or three toys can make your little one happier while teaching them much more about driving and whatnot.

Good luck!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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