5 Best Toddler Discipline Books You Need To Read

Getting your kid to behave the way you wish is not the easiest thing to do as a parent. You already know that, right? However, you have to try as much as possible to bring up a child that will be well-disciplined for your sake and the good of society. It is one of the various ‘fine lines’ of parenting that you must toy with.

The good news is that there are resources that can guide you on the best way to train a child.

Here are book suggestions for toddler discipline that will help you communicate with your children and direct them to behave well both at home and in public.

Top 5 Book Suggestions for Toddler Discipline

5 Best Toddler Discipline Books

1. 1-2-3 Magic

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This is a practical guide for parents inspired by the conventional way of using the counting-down approach to make their children stop misbehaving in public.

Dr. Thomas Phelan promises that the guide is simple, quick, and contains scientifically proven methods to get your kid’s behavior in check. This is one of the best toddler discipline books.

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Some of the benefits you will get from this book includes:

  • A practical way to handle kids who love throwing tantrums, whining, pouting, talking back, and picking up fights with their siblings. This is majorly for little kids, pre-schoolers, and also those in middle school.
  • A drama-free method of instilling discipline in your kids, especially in public. It helps you use a time-out method in public and know how to handle a situation where your kid does not comply with your time-out.
  • Build follow-through routines when getting children to bed, getting them to eat their dinner or do their homework. The routines are positive and have proven to work for many parents facing the same challenges.
  • Establish a good relationship with your children and help them communicate in an admirable yet authentic way. You will no longer have to struggle to get your children to listen to you or share their feelings.

2. No-Drama Discipline

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Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson came together to write a book that explains the neurological development of a child and how parents respond to unwanted behavior. The book is meant to help parents find a road map that helps them deal with tears, tension, and children’s tantrums in a drama-free way.

It also helps parents understand the discipline word and develop ways to turn a meltdown into a time for growth and wisdom instillation.

By the end of the book, parents will have:

  • Methods of identifying their understanding of the discipline and communicating their lessons and expectations to their children.
  • The truth about a child’s brain, its development, and the best approach to teach them how to be disciplined. It is a constructive approach and works with children of all stages and ages.
  • Ways of communicating and calmly connecting with their children even when the child is an extreme case. This will help them work through the process while setting definitive and consistent boundaries.
  • Strategies that will help them take their children from an episode of tantrums to a moment of empathy, insight, and repair.
  • An understanding of the 20 mistakes that parents make when disciplining their children and how to avoid them. This will help them be more focused on principles that develop the entire child’s brain while parenting.
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3. How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen

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This is a work of exclusive wisdom from Joanna Faber and Julie King. The book was written from the understanding of challenges and people who work with kids face as they try to communicate with children. Its target is parents with children from the age of two to seven.

Joanna is Adele Faber’s daughter, the author of ‘The Parenting Bible,’ who has written the introduction of this book. By the end of the book, parents will be able to:

  • Have tips on how to developing outstanding and lasting relationships with their children. They will know how to get their children to eat their vegetables, sit appropriately in the car, brush their teeth, get to bed, and know how to manage them when throwing tantrums, even in public.
  • Understand children with autism spectrum and sensory processing disorders and how to communicate with the same kids.
  • Bring up kids connected with their parents and are cooperative when asked to carry out typical house tasks. The kids will also have an amicable relationship with their teachers, peers, and siblings.

4. The Montessori Toddler

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In this book, Simone Davies helps parents turn their two-year-olds from terrible kids to curious, respectful, and hungry kids to discover new things.

It is full of practical advice on handling different aspects that a toddler may bring up and feed them with a natural curiosity instead. By the end of the book, parents will have learned how to:

  • Keep their cool as they teach their kids to set limits and keep them without punishing them all the time or using bribery to teach a behavior.
  • Maintain a chaos-free home and keep the peace.
  • Come up with Montessori practices that will work just right for their kids between one to three years of age.
  • Bring up a child who asks appropriate questions and always on a learning mission.
  • Understand how their children think and imagine and find their perspective captivation.
  • Celebrate every step their children take and cheer them on as they grow and learn new things.
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5. The Happiest Toddler on the Block

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This is the right guide for parents with kids between the ages of one and four. Dr. Karp Harvey, a well-known child development expert, writes it.

Dr. Karp promises that parents will find ways to help their kids learn patience, self-confidence, and cooperation by the end of the book as they adopt disciplined behaviors.

This book will help a parent to:

  • Appreciate and encourage their children’s progress and good conduct.
  • Deal with indiscipline cases and stop unacceptable behaviors.
  • Deal with unwanted tantrums both at home and in public.
  • Note that when an outburst is about to take place, stop it immediately.

Dr. Karp’s techniques will help you save the time needed to control your child, especially for parents who feel they are too busy or come back home from an overwhelming day at work.

The parents will be able to enjoy happy children who love spending time with them.


Sometimes, raising a child needs more help than you thought you needed. There is no shame in admitting that you ought to know more about the best way to deal with an annoying child.

The book suggestion for toddler discipline, as listed above, will come in handy.

They are tested and proven by thousands of parents, and you, too, can gain a lot of insight from them.


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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