Digger Toys For Toddlers – The 6 Best Options

Digger toys are awesome.

There is no greater feeling than the feeling you get when watching your toddler playing. But, when they are into diggers, which toys are best for them?

In this post, I am going to take a look at some of the best digger toys for toddlers.

The best thing is, there are tons of different types of digger toys available. Some are simply toy diggers, and some are functional diggers! I must admit that my son loves the functional types best, but he will pick up the indoor versions when the weather isn’t great.

I am going to cover both options right here and let you choose!

digger toys for toddlers

Functional Digger Toys For Toddlers

Functional digger toys are basically small diggers used to pick up sand or dirt before dumping it somewhere else.

The benefit of these types of digger toys is they allow the toddler to immerse themselves in being a digger operator. Throw in a hard hat, and they are in their own little world; they ARE a digger driver.

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Let’s take a look at some options now.

Big Dig Ride-On Working Crane Digger

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The Big Dig Crane allows toddlers to roleplay, but do not forget the hard hat!

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Here, we have the awesome Big Dig ride-on fully working digger that your toddler will adore!

The best thing about this digger toy is its durability. In fact, all of the toys on this page have been selected for their durability. When shopping for toddler toys, I always check to see how sturdy it is before buying.

I know what toddlers are like…Girls, or Boys, toys do not last long if they are not durable!

These ride-on digger toys are not only awesome for toddlers who need to develop their hand-eye coordination, but I have also seen Kids queuing up to have a go in a local park 6 deep. None of them were under the age of 5! These are toys that will last for years.

It was this moment that prompted me to buy one of these for my own son.

Manufacturers recommended age: 3+

The Dig and Roll Ride-On with Wheels

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With The Dig and Roll Ride-On toddler digger, they are able to get moving too!

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The highly durable Dig and Roll sand digger is an excellent toy to entertain your kids.

Many of the sand diggers available are on a base, which means they are difficult to move when you are small. This option allows your child to move the unit around with ease! If you recognize the design, it is the wheeled version of the Big Dig working crane above!

If they have run out of sand or dirt, they can wheel it over to another spot and begin digging again.

Don’t forget the hard hat!

Manufacturers recommended age: 3+

Other Toy Diggers For Toddlers

Take Apart Digger Toy

I am a big fan of take-apart toys! This Digger take-apart Toy is awesome!

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Toddler toys that can be taken apart and put together BY A TODDLER (I have to add that bit) are an excellent way of developing hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills.

When I considered the best DIY construction toys, I had to slip in a build-it-yourself toy car!

My son has a take-it-apart toy car, and he absolutely loves playing with it.

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This take-apart digger toy is an excellent choice and has many different types to choose from too.

They will begin with 18 objects that need to be placed in the correct order. Using the screwdriver, they need to add these objects together to build the digger. Once it is built, they get to play with it.

This take-apart digger is very robust and durable, which is great news – we all know what toddlers are like when ‘playing’! Even when they are not toddlers anymore, they will keep coming back to these take-apart toys.

Manufacturers recommended age: 3+

LEGO DUPLO Town Truck & Tracked Excavator

Kids love LEGO, so why not give them a digger LEGO toy?

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LEGO is an awesome toy, period.

It has so many benefits to a child’s development, such as:

This DUPLO set includes a digger, a dumpster, 2 characters, a roadwork sign, shovel, and various DUPLO pieces that the digger can pick up.

As with all DUPLO sets, it is effortless to build, and your toddler can use the pieces to rebuild anything.

The only limit is their imagination!

Manufacturers recommended age: 2+

Bruder CAT Skid Steer Digger Toy

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The Bruder CAT Skid Steer digger toy is simple and robust, perfect for toddlers!

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When you are looking for toddler toys, you need something durable, right? And, when you are thinking about durability, then CAT fits the bill.

The Bruder Caterpillar Steel Loader is highly durable and has been built to last. It is a basic digger toy that will work on any surface.

The only moving parts on the Skidsteer are the bucket and the 4 tires. Having said that, when you are a toddler and you LOVE diggers, then they can while away the hours picking up sand, water, dirt, or random pieces of LEGO!

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Manufacturers recommended age: 3+

Toddler Benefits – Playing With Diggers

Develops Motor Skills

For the ride-on toddler digger toys, they will need to get used to the controls and understand the consequences of pulling the lever. This type of toy will help to develop some important motor skills. Specifically, these toys will help develop gross motor skills.

Develops Problem Solving

Problem-solving skills are vital, and giving a toddler a digger toy, especially a ride-on type, will help them develop their skills.

After digging a hole in the sand, think about it, and they will want to fill it back up. What is the solution? Use some of the excess sand in a pile they have just made!

Develops Spacial Awareness

Spatial awareness is an important life skill. I should know because my wife has absolutely none!

When a toddler uses a ride-on digger toy, they will need to get used to the distance between the sand and the levels. When they first sit on a sand digger, they will not hit the spot straight away.

Given time, they will learn about space between, and their skills will improve.


Again, this is for the ride-on digger toys. With nearly 1 in 5 children suffering from obesity, you must get them outside performing physical activity.

Lifting a few pounds of sand will definitely get their hearts pumping.


Here we discussed the best digger toys for toddlers, along with some of the benefits of playing with them.

It would help if you now considered which one fits your needs, and more importantly…

…always ensure that you go the manufacturers recommended age for each toy!

I have an awesome time playing with my son whenever he wants to dig, but I draw the line when it is cold!

Good luck, and have fun!


About ME

Let’s start with the obvious, I’m a dad.

I have 2 kids. One was dragged out from the comfort of his Mother’s womb kicking and screaming, and the other was a little easier.

Dad Gold was created to give tips that I wish someone had given me!

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